(import (chicken blob)
        (chicken condition)
        (chicken string)

(define-syntax test-error*
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ ?msg (?error-type ...) ?expr)
     (let-syntax ((expression
                   (syntax-rules ()
                     ((_ ?expr)
                      (condition-case (begin ?expr "<no error thrown>")
                                      ((?error-type ...) '(?error-type ...))
                                      (exn () (##sys#slot exn 1)))))))
       (test ?msg '(?error-type ...) (expression ?expr))))
    ((_ ?msg ?error-type ?expr)
     (test-error* ?msg (?error-type) ?expr))
    ((_ ?error-type ?expr)
     (test-error* (sprintf "~S" '?expr) ?error-type ?expr))))

;; Perform a quick sanity check before running the actual tests
(condition-case (disconnect (connect '((dbname . test))))
  (exn (exn postgresql connect)
       (print "Could not connect to server.  Please ensure that the UNIX "
              "user running these tests is allowed to connect to a database "
              "with the name \"test\".  Error from Postgres:")
       (print ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))

(test-begin "postgresql")

(test-group "connection management"
  (test "connect returns a connected connection"
        '(#t #t)
        (let* ((conn (connect '((dbname . test))))
               (isconn (connection? conn))
               (connected (connected? conn)))
          (disconnect conn)
          (list isconn connected)))
  (test "disconnect causes connection to be disconnected"
        '(#t #f)
        (let ((conn (connect '((dbname . test)))))
          (disconnect conn)
          (list (connection? conn) (connected? conn))))
  (test-error "cannot connect with invalid credentials"
              (connect '((dbname . does-not-exist)
                         (username . nobody))))
  (test-error "disconnect invalidates the connection"
              (let ((conn (connect '((dbname . test)))))
                (disconnect conn)
                (reset-connection conn)))
  ;; It would be nice if we could test some more error cases here but
  ;; that's hard to do

;; From now on, just keep using the same connection
(define conn (connect '((dbname . test))))

;; In the tests, we assume that the client lib is at least equal to
;; the server's version.
(define-values (major-version minor-version micro-version)
  (apply values
         (map string->number
               (value-at (query conn "SHOW server_version")) "."))))

(test-group "low-level interface"
  (test-assert "query returns result"
               (result? (query conn "SELECT 1")))
  (test "Correct row count"
        (row-count (query conn "SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2")))
  (test "Correct column count"
        (column-count (query conn "SELECT 1, 2, 3, 4")))
  (test "Correct column name"
         (query conn "SELECT 1 AS one, 2 AS two") 0))
  (test "Correct column names"
        '(one two)
         (query conn "SELECT 1 AS one, 2 AS two")))
  (test-error* "Condition for nonexistant column index"
               (exn postgresql bounds)
                (query conn "SELECT 1 AS one, 2 AS two") 3))
  (test "Not false for nameless column"
        #f ;; Could check for ?column?, but that's a bit too specific
        (not (column-name
              (query conn "SELECT 1, 2") 0)))
  ;; Maybe add a few tests here for case folding/noncase folding variants?
  ;; Perhaps column-index-ci vs column-index?  That would be
  ;; misleading though, since column-index-ci isn't really ci,
  ;; it will not match columns that are explicitly uppercased in the query.
  (test "Correct column index"
         (query conn "SELECT 1 AS one, 2 AS two") 'one))
  (test "False column index for nonexistant column name"
         (query conn "SELECT 1 AS one, 2 AS two") 'foo))
  (test "False oid for virtual table"
         (query conn "SELECT 1 AS one, 2 AS two") 0))
  (test-assert "Number for nonvirtual table"
                 (query conn "SELECT typlen FROM pg_type") 0)))
  (test-error* "Condition for column index out of bounds"
               (exn postgresql bounds)
                (query conn "SELECT typname FROM pg_type") 1))
  (test "Table column number for real table"
         (query conn "SELECT typname FROM pg_type") 0))
  (test "Column format is text for normal data"
         (query conn "SELECT 'hello'") 0))
  (test "Column format is binary for forced binary data"
         (query* conn "SELECT 1" '() format: 'binary) 0))
  (test "Column type OID ok"
        23 ;; from catalog/pg_type.h
         (query conn "SELECT 1::int4") 0))
  (test "Column modifier false"
         (query conn "SELECT 1") 0))
  (test "Column modifier for bit ok"
         (query conn "SELECT '10'::bit(2)") 0))
  (test "Result value string for strings"
        (value-at (query conn "SELECT 'test'")))
  (test "Result value string for 'name' type (with no custom parser)"
        (value-at (query conn "SELECT 'test'::name")))
  (test "Result row values"
        '("one" "two")
         (query conn "SELECT 'one', 'two' UNION SELECT 'three', 'four'") 0))
  (test "Result row values for second row"
        '("three" "four")
         (query conn "SELECT 'one', 'two' UNION SELECT 'three', 'four'") 1))
  (test "Result row alist"
        '((a . "one") (b . "two"))
         (query conn "SELECT 'one' AS a, 'two' AS b UNION SELECT 'three', 'four'") 0))
  (test "Result row alist for second row"
        '((a . "three") (b . "four"))
         (query conn "SELECT 'one' AS a, 'two' AS b UNION SELECT 'three', 'four'") 1))
  (test "Result column values"
        '("one" "three")
         (query conn "SELECT 'one', 'two' UNION SELECT 'three', 'four'") 0))
  (test "Result column values for second column"
        '("two" "four")
         (query conn "SELECT 'one', 'two' UNION SELECT 'three', 'four'") 1))
  (test "Result value number for numbers"
        (value-at (query conn "SELECT 1")))
  (test "Result value string for raw numbers"
        (value-at (query conn "SELECT 1") 0 0 raw: #t))
  ;; We are using two levels of escaping here because the ::bytea cast
  ;; performs another string interpretation. Yes, this is kinda confusing...
  (test "Result value for null-terminated byte array"
        (blob->u8vector (string->blob "h\x00ello"))
        (value-at (query conn "SELECT E'h\\\\000ello'::bytea")))
  (test "Result value for raw null-terminated byte array"
        (if (>= major-version 9)
        (value-at (query conn "SELECT E'h\\\\000ello'::bytea") 0 0 raw: #t))

  (test "Result value blob for binary string"
        (string->blob "hello")
        (value-at (query* conn "SELECT 'hello'" '() format: 'binary)))
  (test "Result value blob for binary integer"
        (u8vector->blob (u8vector 0 0 0 1))
        (value-at (query* conn "SELECT 1::int4" '() format: 'binary)))

  (test "Result value for binary string with NUL bytes"
        (string->blob "h\x00ello")
        (value-at (query* conn "SELECT E'h\\\\000ello'::bytea" '() format: 'binary)))

  (test "Result value for array of integers"
        `#(1 ,(sql-null) 3) ;; Not sure if comparing sql-null is kosher
        (value-at (query conn "SELECT array[1, null, 3]")))

  (test "Result value for nested array of ints"
        `#(#(1 ,(sql-null) 3)
           #(4 5 ,(sql-null))) ;; Not sure if comparing sql-null is kosher
         (query conn "SELECT array[array[1, null, 3], array[4, 5, NULL]]")))
  (test "Result value for array of strings"
        `#("a" ,(sql-null) "c") ;; Not sure if comparing sql-null is kosher
        (value-at (query conn "SELECT array['a', null, 'c']")))

  (test "Result value for nested array of strings"
        `#(#("a" ,(sql-null) "c")
           #("NULL" "e" ,(sql-null))) ;; Not sure if comparing sql-null is kosher
        (value-at (query conn "SELECT array[array['a', null, 'c'], array['NULL', 'e', NULL]]")))
  (test "Result value at row 0, column 1"
        (value-at (query conn "SELECT 1, 2 UNION SELECT 3, 4") 1 0))
  (test "Result value at row 1, column 0"
        (value-at (query conn "SELECT 1, 2 UNION SELECT 3, 4") 0 1))
  (test-assert "Result value sql-null for NULL"
               (sql-null? (value-at (query conn "SELECT NULL"))))
  (test-error* "Result value error for out of bounds row"
               (exn postgresql bounds)
               (value-at (query conn "SELECT NULL") 0 1))
  (test-error* "Result value error for out of bounds column"
               (exn postgresql bounds)
               (value-at (query conn "SELECT NULL") 1 0))

  (query conn "PREPARE foo (int) AS (SELECT 1, 2, $1)")
  (test-assert "query with prepared statement name returns result"
               (result? (query conn 'foo 3)))
  (test "result value ok for query with prepared statement name"
        '(1 2 3)
        (row-values (query conn 'foo 3)))
  (test-error* "condition for missing parameter names"
               (exn postgresql query)
               (query conn 'foo))

  (query conn "BEGIN")
  (query conn "CREATE TEMP TABLE foo ( bar integer ) ON COMMIT DROP")
  (test "Number of affected rows 1 with INSERT"
         (query conn "INSERT INTO foo (bar) VALUES (1);")))
  (query conn "COMMIT")

  (query conn "BEGIN")
  (query conn "CREATE TEMP TABLE foo ( bar integer ) ON COMMIT DROP")
  (query conn "INSERT INTO foo (bar) VALUES (100);")
  (query conn "INSERT INTO foo (bar) VALUES (101);")
  (test "Number of affected rows 2 with UPDATE of two rows"
         (query conn "UPDATE foo SET bar=102;")))
  (query conn "COMMIT")
  (test "Inserted OID false on SELECT"
         (query conn "SELECT 1")))

  (query conn "BEGIN")
  (query conn "CREATE TEMP TABLE foo ( bar integer ) ON COMMIT DROP")
  (test "Inserted OID false on OID-less table"
         (query conn  "INSERT INTO foo (bar) VALUES (1);")))
  (query conn "COMMIT")
  (query conn "BEGIN")
  (query conn "CREATE TEMP TABLE foo ( bar integer ) WITH (OIDS=true) ON COMMIT DROP")
  (test-assert "Inserted OID number on table with OID"
                 (query conn "INSERT INTO foo (bar) VALUES (1)"))))
  (query conn "COMMIT")

  (test "regular parameters"
        (value-at (query conn "SELECT $1::text" "hi") 0 0))
  (test-assert "NULL parameters"
               (sql-null? (value-at
                           (query conn "SELECT $1::text" (sql-null)) 0 0)))
  (test "blob parameters"
        (value-at (query conn "SELECT $1::text" (string->blob "hi")) 0 0))
  (test "boolean parameters"
        '(#t #f)
        (row-values (query conn "SELECT $1::bool, $2::bool" #t #f)))
  (test "integer array parameters"
        `(#(1 2) #(,(sql-null) 4))
        (row-values (query conn "SELECT $1::int[], $2::int[]"
                           `#(1 2) `#(,(sql-null) 4))))
  (test "nested integer array parameters"
        `(#(#(1 2) #(,(sql-null) 4)))
        (row-values (query conn "SELECT $1::int[][]"
                           `#(#(1 2) #(,(sql-null) 4)))))
  (test "string array parameters (including 'null')"
        `(#("a" "b") #(,(sql-null) "null"))
        (row-values (query conn "SELECT $1::text[], $2::text[]"
                           `#("a" "b") `#(,(sql-null) "null"))))
  (test "string array parameters with meta-characters"
        `(#("a\\b" "c\"d") #("{" "}"))
        (row-values (query conn "SELECT $1::text[], $2::text[]"
                           '#("a\\b" "c\"d") '#("{" "}"))))
  (test "nested string array parameters"
        `(#(#("a" "b") #(,(sql-null) "null")))
        (row-values (query conn "SELECT $1::text[][]"
                           `#(#("a" "b") #(,(sql-null) "null")))))
  (test "array bounds are ignored"
        `#(#(#(1 2 3) #(4 5 6)))
         (query conn
                "SELECT '[1:1][-2:-1][3:5]={{{1,2,3},{4,5,6}}}'::int[] AS f1")))

  ;; Basic domains seem to return just their base type
  (query conn "BEGIN")
  (query conn "CREATE DOMAIN mydom AS integer CHECK (VALUE > 2)")
  (test "basic domains"
        (value-at (query conn "SELECT $1::mydom" 3)))
  (query conn "ROLLBACK")
  (query conn "BEGIN")
  (query conn "CREATE TYPE foo AS ( a integer, b text )")
  (test "basic composite type"
        `(1 "one")
        (value-at (query conn "SELECT $1::foo" `(1 "one"))))
  (test "composite type with meta-characters"
        `(123 "\\backslash\"quote")
        (value-at (query conn "SELECT $1::foo" `(123 "\\backslash\"quote"))))
  (query conn "CREATE TYPE bar AS ( x foo, y integer )")
  (test "Nested composite type"
        `((2 "two") 3)
        (value-at (query conn "SELECT $1::bar" `((2 "two") 3))))
  (query conn "CREATE DOMAIN mydom AS integer CHECK (VALUE > 1)")
  (query conn "CREATE TYPE qux AS ( i integer, d mydom )")
  (test "Composite type containing domain value"
        `(1 2)
        (value-at (query conn "SELECT $1::qux" `(1 2))))
  (query conn "ROLLBACK")

  (test "anonymous composite type ('record')"
        '("one" "two")
        (value-at (query conn "SELECT ROW('one', 'two')")))

  (test "anonymous composite type ('record') with NULL"
        `("one" ,(sql-null))
        (value-at (query conn "SELECT ROW('one', NULL)")))

  ;; ROW() is indistinguishable from ROW(NULL).  The latter is more likely
  ;; to occur than the former, so let's ensure that's how it's interpreted
  ;; See also http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-hackers/2004-06/msg00159.php
  (test "anonymous composite type ('record') with just one NULL"
        (value-at (query conn "SELECT ROW(NULL)"))))

(test-group "escaping and quotation"
  (test-group "with standards conforming strings off"
    (query conn "SET standard_conforming_strings='off'")
    (test "String is escaped correctly"
          "it''s \"this\" \\\\ safe!"
          (escape-string conn "it's \"this\" \\ safe!"))
    (test "Small string is escaped correctly"
          (escape-string conn "foo"))
    (test "Bytea is escaped correctly (u8vector)"
          (if (>= major-version 9)
          (escape-bytea conn (blob->u8vector (string->blob "Wh\x00at's\nup?"))))
    (test "Bytea is unescaped correctly (blob)"
          (blob->u8vector (string->blob "What's\nup? "))
          ;; The extra quote is dropped here because it wouldn't be returned
          ;; by pgsql either.
          (unescape-bytea "What's\\012up?\\ "))
    (test "Identifier is escaped and quoted correctly"
          ;; Backslashes have no special meaning in identifiers,
          ;; standards conforming strings or no
          "\"it's \"\"this\"\" \\ safe!\""
          (quote-identifier conn "it's \"this\" \\ safe!")))
  (test-group "with standards conforming strings on"
    (query conn "SET standard_conforming_strings='on'")
    (test "String is escaped correctly"
          "it''s \"this\" \\ safe!"
          (escape-string conn "it's \"this\" \\ safe!"))
    (test "Bytea is escaped correctly"
          (if (>= major-version 9)
          (escape-bytea conn "Wh\x00at's\nup?"))
    (test "Bytea is unescaped correctly"
          (blob->u8vector (string->blob "What's\nup? "))
          ;; The extra quote is dropped here because it wouldn't be returned
          ;; by pgsql either.
          (unescape-bytea "What's\\012up?\\ "))
    (test "Identifier is escaped and quoted correctly"
          ;; Backslashes have no special meaning in identifiers,
          ;; standards conforming strings or no
          "\"it's \"\"this\"\" \\ safe!\""
          (quote-identifier conn "it's \"this\" \\ safe!"))))

(test-group "query error handling"
  (test-group "basic info: position and code"
    (handle-exceptions exn
        (begin (test "Class of real query error is available and set to expected value"
                     ((condition-property-accessor 'query 'error-class) exn))
               (test "Code of real query error is available and set to expected value"
                     "42P01"            ; undefined_table
                     ((condition-property-accessor 'query 'error-code) exn))
               ;; We can't set locale w/o superuser rights, so we'll
               ;; have to make do with an incomplete severity check.
               (test-assert "Severity of real query error is a symbol"
                            (symbol? ((condition-property-accessor
                                       'query 'severity) exn)))
               (test "Statement position in real query error is correct"
                       'query 'statement-position) exn)))
      (query conn "SELECT 1 FROM nonexistant_table")
      (error "query call didn't fail")))
  (test-group "message and code"
    (handle-exceptions exn
        (begin (test "Error class is available and set to expected value"
                     ((condition-property-accessor 'query 'error-class) exn))
               (test "Error code is available and set to expected value"
                     ((condition-property-accessor 'query 'error-code) exn))
               ;; We can't set locale w/o superuser rights, so we'll
               ;; have to make do with some neutered checks.
               (test-assert "Severity is a symbol"
                            (symbol? ((condition-property-accessor
                                       'query 'severity) exn)))
               (test "Message primary is set to the expected value"
                     "testing, 1, 2, 3."
                     ((condition-property-accessor 'query 'message-primary) exn))
               (test "Detail is set to the expected value"
                     "this is a test"
                     ((condition-property-accessor 'query 'message-detail) exn))
               (test "Hint is set to the expected value"
                     "try again"
                     ((condition-property-accessor 'query 'message-hint) exn))
               ;; XXX These two may be too version-specific
               (test "source function is set to the correct value"
                     ((condition-property-accessor 'query 'source-function) exn))
               (test "source file is set to the the correct value"
                     ((condition-property-accessor 'query 'source-file) exn))
               (test-assert "source line is available and a number"
                            (number? ((condition-property-accessor
                                       'query 'source-line) exn))))
      (query conn (conc "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cause_error() "
                        "RETURNS void AS $$\n"
                        "  BEGIN\n"
                        "    RAISE invalid_table_definition \n"
                        "    USING MESSAGE = 'testing, 1, 2, 3.', \n"
                        "          DETAIL = 'this is a test', \n"
                        "          HINT = 'try again';\n"
                        "  END;\n"
                        "$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql"))
      (value-at (query conn "SELECT cause_error()"))
      (error "query call didn't fail")))
  (when (or (> major-version 9) (and (= major-version 9) (>= minor-version 3)))
    (test-group "schema information"
      (query conn "BEGIN")
      (query conn (conc "CREATE DOMAIN posint AS int"
                        " CONSTRAINT must_be_positive CHECK (VALUE > 0)"))
      (query conn (conc "CREATE TEMP TABLE foo (bar posint) ON COMMIT DROP"))
      (handle-exceptions exn
          (begin (test-assert "Schema name is set" ; It is pg_temp_2
                                'query 'schema-name) exn))
                 (test "Data type name is correct"
                       ((condition-property-accessor 'query 'datatype-name) exn))
                 (test "Constraint name is correct"
                       ((condition-property-accessor 'query 'constraint-name) exn)))
        (query conn "INSERT INTO foo (bar) VALUES (-1)")
        (error "query call didn't fail"))
      (query conn "ROLLBACK")
      (query conn "BEGIN")
      (query conn (conc "CREATE TEMP TABLE foo (bar int NOT NULL) "
                        "ON COMMIT DROP"))
      (handle-exceptions exn
          (begin (test-assert "Schema name is set" ; It is pg_temp_2
                                'query 'schema-name) exn))
                 (test "Table name is correct"
                       ((condition-property-accessor 'query 'table-name) exn))
                 (test "Column name is correct"
                       ((condition-property-accessor 'query 'column-name) exn)))
        (query conn "INSERT INTO foo (bar) VALUES (NULL)")
        (error "query call didn't fail"))
      (query conn "ROLLBACK"))))

(test-group "COPY support"
  (query conn "CREATE TEMP TABLE copy_table ( nr integer, s text )")
  (test-group "low-level interface"
    (test-error* "Cannot put copy data while no COPY in progress"
                 (exn postgresql i/o)
                 (put-copy-data conn "whatever"))
    (query conn "COPY copy_table (s, nr) FROM STDIN")
    (test-error* "Cannot initiate new query while waiting for COPY input"
                 (exn postgresql i/o)
                 (query conn "SELECT 1"))
    (put-copy-data conn "one\t1\n")
    (test-error* "Cannot initiate new query while COPY data in progress"
                 (exn postgresql i/o)
                 (query conn "SELECT 1"))
    (put-copy-data conn "two\t2")
    (put-copy-end conn)
    (let ((res (query conn "SELECT * FROM copy_table")))
      (test "Simple copy from STDIN works"
            '((1 "one")
              (2 "two"))
            (list (row-values res 0) (row-values res 1))))
    (test-error* "Cannot get copy data while no COPY in progress"
                 (exn postgresql i/o)
                 (get-copy-data conn))
    (query conn "COPY copy_table (s, nr) TO STDOUT")
    (test-error* "Cannot initiate new query while waiting for COPY output"
                 (exn postgresql i/o)
                 (query conn "SELECT 1"))
    (test "Simple copy to STDOUT works, first record"
          (get-copy-data conn))
    (test-error* "Cannot initiate new query while reading COPY data"
                 (exn postgresql i/o)
                 (query conn "SELECT 1"))
    (test "Simple copy to STDOUT works, second record"
          (get-copy-data conn))
    (test-assert "EOF is marked by a result object"
                 (result? (get-copy-data conn))))
  (test-group "high-level interface"
    (test "Mapping"
          '(("one" "1")
            ("two" "2"))
          (copy-query-map string-split conn "COPY copy_table (s, nr) TO STDOUT"))
    (test "Error while mapping gets connection out of COPY state"
          (handle-exceptions exn
            (value-at (query conn "SELECT 'okay'"))
            (copy-query-map (lambda _ (error "blah"))
                            conn "COPY copy_table (s, nr) TO STDOUT")))
    (test "Fold"
          '(("one" "1")
            ("two" "2"))
            (lambda (data result)
              (cons (string-split data) result))
            '() conn "COPY copy_table (s, nr) TO STDOUT")))
    (test "Error while folding gets connection out of COPY state"
          (handle-exceptions exn
            (value-at (query conn "SELECT 'okay'"))
            (copy-query-fold (lambda _ (error "blah"))
                             '() conn "COPY copy_table (s, nr) TO STDOUT")))
    (test "Fold-right"
          '(("one" "1")
            ("two" "2"))
           (lambda (data result)
             (cons (string-split data) result))
           '() conn "COPY copy_table (s, nr) TO STDOUT"))
    (test "Error while folding right gets connection out of COPY state"
          (handle-exceptions exn
            (value-at (query conn "SELECT 'okay'"))
            (copy-query-fold-right (lambda _ (error "blah"))
                                   '() conn "COPY copy_table (s, nr) TO STDOUT")))
    (test "For-each"
          '(("one" "1")
            ("two" "2"))
          (let ((res '()))
            (copy-query-for-each (lambda (x)
                                   (set! res (cons (string-split x) res)))
                                 conn "COPY copy_table (s, nr) TO STDOUT")
            (reverse res)))
    (test "Error during for-each gets connection out of COPY state"
          (handle-exceptions exn
            (value-at (query conn "SELECT 'okay'"))
            (copy-query-for-each (lambda (x) (error "blah"))
                                 conn "COPY copy_table (s, nr) TO STDOUT")))
    (query conn "TRUNCATE copy_table")
    (with-output-to-copy-query (lambda ()
                                 (print "first\t1")
                                 (print "second\t2"))
                               conn "COPY copy_table (s, nr) FROM STDIN")
    (test "Port interface inserted data correctly"
          '(("first" 1)
            ("second" 2))
          (let ((res (query conn "SELECT s, nr FROM copy_table")))
            (list (row-values res 0) (row-values res 1))))
    (query conn "TRUNCATE copy_table")
    (handle-exceptions _
      (with-output-to-copy-query (lambda ()
                                   (print "first\t1")
                                   (print "second\t2")
                                   (error "blah"))
                                 conn "COPY copy_table (s, nr) FROM STDIN"))
    (test "Error inside with-output-to-copy caused abort of insert"
          0 (value-at (query conn "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM copy_table")))))

(test-group "type parsers"
  (test "Integer parsed correctly"
        (numeric-parser "1234"))
  (test "Float parsed correctly"
        (numeric-parser "123.456"))
  (test-error* "Non-integer is an error"
               (exn postgresql parse)
               (numeric-parser "not an integer"))
  (test "Boolean true parsed correctly"
        (bool-parser "t"))
  (test "Boolean false parsed correctly"
        (bool-parser "f"))
  (test "Byte array parsed correctly"
        (blob->u8vector/shared (string->blob "abc\x01\x02\xffdef"))
        (bytea-parser "abc\\001\\002\\377def"))
  (test "Char parser"
        (char-parser "x")))

(test-group "type unparsers"
  (test "Boolean true unparsed correctly"
        (bool-unparser conn #t))
  (test "Boolean false unparsed correctly"
        (bool-unparser conn #f)))

(test-group "high-level interface"
  (test "row-fold"
        '(("one" 2)
          ("three" 4))
          cons '()
          (query conn
                 "SELECT $1::text, $2::integer UNION SELECT 'three', 4"
                 "one" 2))))
  (test "column-fold"
        '(("one" "three")
          (2 4))
          cons '()
          (query conn
                 "SELECT $1::text, $2::integer UNION SELECT 'three', 4"
                 "one" 2))))
  (test "row-fold-right"
        '(("one" 2)
          ("three" 4))
         cons '()
         (query conn
                "SELECT $1::text, $2::integer UNION SELECT 'three', 4"
                "one" 2)))
  (test "column-fold-right"
        '(("one" "three")
          (2 4))
         cons '()
         (query conn
                "SELECT $1::text, $2::integer UNION SELECT 'three', 4"
                "one" 2)))
  (test "row-for-each"
        '(("one" 2)
          ("three" 4))
        (let ((res '()))
           (lambda (row) (set! res (cons row res)))
            "SELECT $1::text, $2::integer UNION SELECT 'three', 4" "one" 2))
          (reverse res)))
  (test "column-for-each"
        '(("one" "three")
          (2 4))
        (let ((res '()))
           (lambda (col) (set! res (cons col res)))
            "SELECT $1::text, $2::integer UNION SELECT 'three', 4" "one" 2))
          (reverse res)))
  (test "row-map"
        '(("one" 2)
          ("three" 4))
         (query conn
                "SELECT $1::text, $2::integer UNION SELECT 'three', 4" "one" 2)))
  (test "column-map"
        '(("one" "three")
          (2 4))
         (query conn
                "SELECT $1::text, $2::integer UNION SELECT 'three', 4" "one" 2))))

(test-group "transactions"
  (query conn "CREATE TEMP TABLE foo ( bar integer )")

  (test-group "simple transactions"
    (test "Transaction inactive"
          (in-transaction? conn))
    (test "Transaction active"
          (with-transaction conn
                            (lambda () (in-transaction? conn))))
    (test "Successful transaction"
            conn (lambda ()
                   (query conn "INSERT INTO foo (bar) VALUES (1)")))
           (column-values (query conn "SELECT * FROM foo"))))
    (query conn "TRUNCATE foo")
    (test "Unsuccessful transaction"
           conn (lambda ()
                  (query conn "INSERT INTO foo (bar) VALUES (1)")

    (test "Empty table after unsuccessful transaction"
          (column-values (query conn "SELECT * FROM foo")))

    (handle-exceptions exn
       conn (lambda ()
              (query conn "INSERT INTO foo (bar) VALUES (1)")
              (error "oops!"))))
    (test "Exception during transaction causes reset"
          (column-values (query conn "SELECT * FROM foo"))))

  (test-group "nested transactions"
    (test "Successful transaction"
          '(1 2)
            conn (lambda ()
                   (query conn "INSERT INTO foo (bar) VALUES (1)")
                    conn (lambda ()
                           (query conn "INSERT INTO foo (bar) VALUES (2)")))))
           (column-values (query conn "SELECT * FROM foo"))))
    (query conn "TRUNCATE foo")

    (test "Unsuccessful main transaction"
             conn (lambda ()
                    (query conn "INSERT INTO foo (bar) VALUES (1)")
                     conn (lambda ()
                            (query conn "INSERT INTO foo (bar) VALUES (2)")))
           (column-values (query conn "SELECT * FROM foo"))))
    (test "Unsuccessful subtransaction"
            conn (lambda ()
                   (query conn "INSERT INTO foo (bar) VALUES (1)")
                    conn (lambda ()
                           (query conn "INSERT INTO foo (bar) VALUES (2)")
           (column-values (query conn "SELECT * FROM foo"))))

    (query conn "TRUNCATE foo")

    ;; Test that errors do not kill the transaction.  Apparently
    ;; aborting transactions on errors is a psql(1) "feature", not a
    ;; libpq one.
    (test "Unsuccessful subtransaction with bad query"
          '(1 2)
            conn (lambda ()
                   (query conn "INSERT INTO foo (bar) VALUES (1)")
                   (handle-exceptions exn
                      conn (lambda ()
                             (query conn "INVALID QUERY"))))
                   (query conn "INSERT INTO foo (bar) VALUES (2)")))
           (column-values (query conn "SELECT * FROM foo"))))

    (query conn "TRUNCATE foo")

    (test "Multiple subtransactions"
          '(1 3)
            conn (lambda ()
                   (query conn "INSERT INTO foo (bar) VALUES (1)")
                    conn (lambda ()
                           (query conn "INSERT INTO foo (bar) VALUES (2)")
                    conn (lambda ()
                           (query conn "INSERT INTO foo (bar) VALUES (3)")))))
           (column-values (query conn "SELECT * FROM foo")))))

  ;; Very annoying; read-only transactions can write to temporary tables,
  ;; so we have to create a REAL table here.
  (query conn "CREATE TABLE chicken_pgsql_test (bar int)")
  ;; We'd better make damn sure it gets dropped again.
  (on-exit (lambda () (query conn "DROP TABLE chicken_pgsql_test")))
  (test-group "transaction access mode"
    (test "Writes with explicit read/write access mode work"
           conn (lambda ()
                  (query conn "INSERT INTO chicken_pgsql_test (bar) VALUES (1)")
                   (query conn "SELECT * FROM chicken_pgsql_test")))
           access: 'read/write))
    (test "Reads with read-only access mode work"
           conn (lambda ()
                   (query conn "SELECT * FROM chicken_pgsql_test")))
           access: 'read-only))
    (test-error* "Writes with read-only access cause errors"
                 (exn postgresql query)
                  conn (lambda ()
                        (query conn (conc "INSERT INTO chicken_pgsql_test (bar)"
                                          "VALUES (1)")))
                  access: 'read-only))

    (test "Switching read-write to read-only works"
          '(1 2)
           conn (lambda ()
                   conn (lambda ()
                          (query conn "SELECT * FROM chicken_pgsql_test"))
                   access: 'read-only)
                  (query conn "INSERT INTO chicken_pgsql_test (bar) VALUES (2)")
                  (column-values (query conn "SELECT * FROM chicken_pgsql_test")))
           access: 'read/write))

    (test "Switching read-write to read-only works with rollback"
          '(1 2 3)
           conn (lambda ()
                  (handle-exceptions exn
                     conn (lambda ()
                            (query conn "INSERT INTO chicken_pgsql_test (bar) VALUES (3)"))
                     access: 'read-only))
                  (query conn "INSERT INTO chicken_pgsql_test (bar) VALUES (3)")
                  (column-values (query conn "SELECT * FROM chicken_pgsql_test")))
           access: 'read/write))

    (test-error* "Switching read-only to read-write causes error"
                 (exn postgresql query)
                  conn (lambda ()
                         (query conn "SELECT * FROM chicken_pgsql_test")
                          conn (lambda ()
                                 (query conn
                                        (conc "INSERT INTO chicken_pgsql_test (bar)"
                                              "VALUES (2)")))
                          access: 'read/write)
                         (column-values (query conn "SELECT * FROM chicken_pgsql_test")))
                  access: 'read-only))

    ;; Run these "concurrent" tests with a second connection
    (let ((conn2 (connect '((dbname . test)))))
      (test "Read committed transaction does see concurrent changes"
            '(1 2 3 4)
             conn (lambda ()
                    ;; MUST perform a query, since only after the first
                    ;; query will the isolation take effect.
                    (query conn "SELECT * FROM chicken_pgsql_test")
                    (query conn2 (conc "INSERT INTO chicken_pgsql_test (bar) "
                                       "VALUES (4)"))
                     (query conn "SELECT * FROM chicken_pgsql_test")))
             isolation: 'read-committed))

      (test "Serializable transaction doesn't see concurrent changes"
            '(1 2 3 4)
             conn (lambda ()
                    ;; MUST perform a query, since only after the first
                    ;; query will the isolation take effect.
                    (query conn "SELECT * FROM chicken_pgsql_test")
                    (query conn2 (conc "INSERT INTO chicken_pgsql_test (bar) "
                                       "VALUES (5)"))
                     (query conn "SELECT * FROM chicken_pgsql_test")))
             isolation: 'serializable))
      (disconnect conn2)))

;; This testing code is pretty hairy
(test-group "LISTEN/NOTIFY"
  (let ((received-channel #f)
        (received-pid #f)
        (received-message #f)
        (pid1 (value-at (query conn "SELECT pg_backend_pid()"))))

    (define (reset-received-values!)
      (set! received-channel #f)
      (set! received-pid #f)
      (set! received-message #f))

    (query conn "LISTEN \"testing channel\"")
    (query conn "LISTEN \"unused channel\"")

    (set-notify-handler! conn (lambda (channel pid message)
                                (set! received-channel channel)
                                (set! received-pid pid)
                                (set! received-message message)))

    (query conn "NOTIFY \"testing channel\", 'this is a test'")

    (test "Notification handler is immediately invoked for own connection"
          `("testing channel" ,pid1 "this is a test")
          (list received-channel pid1 received-message))


    (let* ((conn2 (connect '((dbname . test))))
           (pid2 (value-at (query conn2 "SELECT pg_backend_pid()"))))
      (query conn2 "NOTIFY \"testing channel\", 'another test'")

      (test "Notification handler for connection 1 is not invoked when notifying from connection 2"
            `(#f #f #f)
            (list received-channel received-pid received-message))

      (query conn "SELECT 1")
      (test "Notification handler is invoked after performing next query"
            `("testing channel" ,pid2 "another test")
            (list received-channel received-pid received-message))


      ;; This sucks, we have to do this from another thread
       (lambda ()
         (thread-sleep! 0.1)
         (query conn2 "NOTIFY \"testing channel\", 'hi'")))

      (test "Waiting manually for a short while does nothing yet"
            `(#f #f #f)
            (begin (wait-for-notifications! conn 1)
                   (list received-channel received-pid received-message)))

      (test "Waiting long enough returns the notification"
            `("testing channel" ,pid2 "hi")
            (begin (wait-for-notifications! conn 5000)
                   (list received-channel received-pid received-message)))


      ;; And once more
       (lambda ()
         (thread-sleep! 0.01)
         (query conn2 "NOTIFY \"testing channel\", 'also hi'")))

      (test "Waiting without timeout returns the notification"
            `("testing channel" ,pid2 "also hi")
            (begin (wait-for-notifications! conn #f)
                   (list received-channel received-pid received-message))))))

