This is a really hacky plugin for spiffy that allows you to serve automatically-generated release-info files and files-list files (the latter of which serves as the files section of a meta-file) for an SVN repository. It assumes the svn repository location contains a toplevel directory named after the major CHICKEN release, with subdirectories matching the names of eggs. Those egg directories contain a "tags" directory for each revision, with the revision number as its name: /4 /MY-EGG /tags /1.0 /1.1 /ANOTHER-EGG /tags /0.1 /0.2 /1.0 /5 /MY-EGG /tags /2.0 /2.1 /SOME-NEWER-EGG /tags /0.1 You can use it like this: (import spiffy spiffy-uri-match pseudo-meta-egg-info) ;; Trailing slash is mandatory here! ;; The {chicken-release} placeholder gets replaced by the major CHICKEN version. ;; By default this uses the Chicken repo. (egg-repo "{chicken-release}/") (vhost-map `((".*" . ,(uri-match/spiffy `(((/ "release-info") (GET ,release-info)) ((/ "files-list") (GET ,files-list))))))) (start-server) This makes the release-info for the CHICKEN 4 version of egg MY-EGG, available under http://localhost:8080/release-info?egg=MY-EGG;release=4 and the files-list for release 1.0 for the CHICKEN 5 version of MY-EGG under http://localhost:8080/files-list?egg=MY-EGG;release=1.0;release=5