;; ;; SCSH process form notation ;; ;; See http://www.scsh.net/docu/html/man-Z-H-3.html#node_chap_2 ;; ;; Some minor changes due to Chicken- and R7RS-incompatible identifiers: ;; | was changed to pipe, |+ was changed to pipe+ ;; ;; || wasn't changed, but it's really the zero-length symbol ;; ;; WARNING: Don't mix with threading unless you're using ;; Chicken 4.8.1 rev 47b5be71 or later. ;; ;;; Copyright (c) 2012, Peter Bex ;; All rights reserved. ; ; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ; are met: ; ; 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ; 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ; documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ; ; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ; "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT ; LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS ; FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE ; COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, ; INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ; (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR ; SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) ; HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, ; STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ; ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED ; OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. (module scsh-process (;; procedures exec-path exec-path* fork %fork fork/pipe %fork/pipe fork/pipe+ %fork/pipe+ run/collecting* run/string* run/strings* run/port* run/file* run/sexp* run/sexps* ;; macros run/collecting run/string run/strings run/port run/file run/sexp run/sexps || && (& run-final-thunk maybe->string) (run maybe->string) (exec-epf maybe->string) process? wait) (import chicken scheme data-structures) (use extras utils files ports posix srfi-1 srfi-69) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Process bookkeeping ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; This stuff is all required so we can more cleanly and simply run ;; processes without having to wait for all of them in user code. We ;; need to keep a hash table around so that the user can still wait ;; for his own processes without the signal/chld handler interfering ;; with those. It's a bit of hack the way we overwrite the regular ;; process-wait procedure from POSIX, but this allows us to ;; transparently mark off processes which were waited on by the user. (define-record scsh-process pid exit-status ok?) (define process? scsh-process?) (define *scsh-pending-processes* (make-hash-table)) (define (add-scsh-pending-process! pid) (let ((process (make-scsh-process pid #f #f))) (hash-table-set! *scsh-pending-processes* pid process) process)) (define (remove-scsh-pending-process! pid) (hash-table-delete! *scsh-pending-processes* pid)) (define wait #f) (let ((posix-process-wait process-wait)) (set! process-wait (lambda (#!optional pid nohang) (receive (status ok? pid) (wait pid nohang) (values pid ok? status)))) (set! wait (lambda (#!optional pid-or-process nohang) (unless (or (not pid-or-process) (scsh-process? pid-or-process) (number? pid-or-process)) (error 'process-wait "Not a scsh-type process object or pid" pid-or-process)) (let ((p (if (and pid-or-process (number? pid-or-process)) (hash-table-ref/default *scsh-pending-processes* pid-or-process #f) pid-or-process))) (if (and p (scsh-process-exit-status p)) (values (scsh-process-exit-status p) (scsh-process-ok? p) (scsh-process-pid p)) (handle-exceptions exn (if (and p (scsh-process-exit-status p)) ; Signal might've occurred (values (scsh-process-exit-status p) (scsh-process-ok? p) (scsh-process-pid p)) (abort exn)) (receive (pid ok? status) (posix-process-wait (and p (scsh-process-pid p)) nohang) (cond ((zero? pid) (values #f #f #f)) (else (when p (scsh-process-exit-status-set! p status) (scsh-process-ok?-set! p ok?)) (remove-scsh-pending-process! pid) (values status ok? pid))))))))) (set-signal-handler! signal/chld ;; This workaround fixes the "signal-hander" type in the types.db of 4.8.0 (let-syntax ((workaround (cond-expand (chicken-4.8 (syntax-rules () ((_ val) (the (or boolean (procedure (fixnum) . *)) val)))) (else (syntax-rules () ((_ val) val)))))) (let ((old-handler (workaround (signal-handler signal/chld)))) (lambda (signal) (for-each (lambda (pid) (handle-exceptions exn ;; User might have waited manually (begin (remove-scsh-pending-process! pid) (void)) (receive (pid ok? status) (posix-process-wait pid #t) (unless (zero? pid) (let ((p (hash-table-ref *scsh-pending-processes* pid))) (scsh-process-exit-status-set! p status) (scsh-process-ok?-set! p ok?) ;; The GC can clean it up (remove-scsh-pending-process! pid)))))) (hash-table-keys *scsh-pending-processes*)) (when old-handler (old-handler signal))))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Execution and forking helpers ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; TODO: Perhaps expose environment, and mess around with the path so that ;; execve can be used in a sensible way? Scsh has its own PATH, so we could ;; use something similar to that, but it's more work. (define (exec-path prog . args) (exec-path* prog args)) ;; Internal variant, collecting args (define (exec-path* prog args) (process-execute (maybe->string prog) (map maybe->string args))) (define (fork/pipe #!optional thunk continue-threads?) (fork/pipe+ '((1 2 0)) thunk continue-threads?)) ;; Run a thunk and exit 0 after the thunk returns. ;; If an exception occurs, handle it and exit 1. (define (run-final-thunk thunk) (handle-exceptions exn ;; TODO: Figure out how SCSH does this. It shows the error ;; on stderr in the REPL, but then still quits it. ;; If we just invoke current-handler, it'll get a second REPL (begin (print-error-message exn) (exit 1)) (thunk) (exit 0))) (define (fork #!optional thunk continue-threads?) (let ((pid (cond-expand (has-thread-killer (process-fork thunk (not continue-threads?))) (else ;; Ignore both args if thunk is #f, so #f won't be applied (if thunk (process-fork thunk) (process-fork)))))) (and (not (zero? pid)) (add-scsh-pending-process! pid)))) (define %fork fork) (define (fork/pipe+ conns #!optional thunk continue-threads?) ;; Blergh, this is silly overhead we don't really need (let* ((from-fds (map (lambda (x) (drop-right x 1)) conns)) (to-fds (map last conns)) (pipe-pairs (map (lambda _ (receive (create-pipe))) to-fds)) (proc (fork #f continue-threads?))) (if (not proc) ; Child (begin (for-each (lambda (p from-fds-for-this-p) ;; Close receiving ends of pipes in child. (file-close (car p)) ;; Set up linkage from output fds to created pipes. (for-each (lambda (from-fd) (duplicate-fileno (cadr p) from-fd)) from-fds-for-this-p) ;; Not needed anymore after duplication is complete. (file-close (cadr p))) pipe-pairs from-fds) (if thunk (run-final-thunk thunk) #f)) (begin ; Parent (for-each (lambda (p to-fd) ;; Close sending end in parent. (file-close (cadr p)) ;; Set up linkage from created pipes to the input fds. (duplicate-fileno (car p) to-fd) ;; No longer needed after duplication. (file-close (car p))) pipe-pairs to-fds) proc)))) ;; TODO: Differentiate between fork and %fork (define %fork/pipe fork/pipe) (define %fork/pipe+ fork/pipe+) (define (maybe->string s) (cond ((string? s) s) ((or (symbol? s) (number? s)) (->string s)) (else (error "Expected a string, symbol or number")))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Baroque procedural interface ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Documented under http://www.scsh.net/docu/html/man-Z-H-3.html#node_sec_2.4.2 (define (run/collecting* fds thunk) (let* ((temp-files (map (lambda (fd) (let* ((file-name (create-temporary-file)) (port (open-input-file file-name))) (delete-file file-name) port)) fds)) (conns (map (lambda (from-fd temp-file) (list from-fd (port->fileno temp-file))) fds temp-files))) (apply values (wait (fork/pipe+ conns thunk)) temp-files))) (define (run/port* thunk) (receive (in out) (create-pipe) (fork (lambda () (run-final-thunk (lambda () (file-close in) (duplicate-fileno out 1) (duplicate-fileno out 2) (with-output-to-port (open-output-file* out) (lambda () (with-error-output-to-port (open-output-file* out) thunk))))))) (file-close out) (open-input-file* in))) (define (run/file* thunk) (let* ((temp-file (create-temporary-file))) (wait ; This is peculiar (fork/pipe (lambda () (let ((fd (file-open temp-file open/wronly))) (duplicate-fileno fd 1) (duplicate-fileno fd 2) (with-output-to-port (open-output-file* 1) (lambda () (with-error-output-to-port (open-output-file* 2) thunk))))))) temp-file)) (define (run/string* thunk) (read-string #f (run/port* thunk))) (define (run/strings* thunk) (read-lines (run/port* thunk))) (define (run/sexp* thunk) (let* ((p (run/port* thunk)) (res (read p))) (close-input-port p) res)) (define (run/sexps* thunk) (read-file (run/port* thunk))) ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Syntax ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;; (define-syntax run/collecting (syntax-rules () ((_ ?fds ?epf ...) (run/collecting* `?fds (lambda () (exec-epf ?epf ...)))))) (define-syntax run/file (syntax-rules () ((_ ?epf ...) (run/file* (lambda () (exec-epf ?epf ...)))))) (define-syntax run/port (syntax-rules () ((_ ?epf ...) (run/port* (lambda () (exec-epf ?epf ...)))))) (define-syntax run/string (syntax-rules () ((_ ?epf ...) (run/string* (lambda () (exec-epf ?epf ...)))))) (define-syntax run/strings (syntax-rules () ((_ ?epf ...) (run/strings* (lambda () (exec-epf ?epf ...)))))) (define-syntax run/sexp (syntax-rules () ((_ ?epf ...) (run/sexp* (lambda () (exec-epf ?epf ...)))))) (define-syntax run/sexps (syntax-rules () ((_ ?epf ...) (run/sexps* (lambda () (exec-epf ?epf ...)))))) (define-syntax && (syntax-rules () ((_ ?epf ...) (and (zero? (run ?epf)) ...)))) (define-syntax || (syntax-rules () ((_ ?epf ...) (or (zero? (run ?epf)) ...)))) (define-syntax & (syntax-rules () ((_ ?epf ...) (fork (lambda () (run-final-thunk (lambda () (exec-epf ?epf ...)))))))) (define-syntax run (syntax-rules () ((_ ?epf ...) (wait (& ?epf ...))))) ;; Perhaps this should really be a procedure? (define-syntax setup-redirection (syntax-rules (< > << >> = - stdports) ((_ (< ?file-name)) (setup-redirection (< 0 ?file-name))) ((_ (<< ?object)) (setup-redirection (<< 0 ?object))) ((_ (> ?file-name)) (setup-redirection (> 1 ?file-name))) ((_ (>> ?file-name)) (setup-redirection (>> 1 ?file-name))) ((_ (> ?fd ?file-name)) (duplicate-fileno (file-open (maybe->string `?file-name) (fx+ open/wronly open/creat)) `?fd)) ((_ (>> ?fd ?file-name)) (duplicate-fileno (file-open (maybe->string `?file-name) (fx+ open/wronly (fx+ open/append open/creat))) `?fd)) ((_ (< ?fd ?file-name)) (duplicate-fileno (file-open (maybe->string `?file-name) open/rdonly) `?fd)) ((_ (<< ?fd ?object)) (fork/pipe+ `((1 ?fd)) (lambda () (display `?object (open-output-file* 1))))) ((_ (= ?fd-from ?fd/port-to)) (let* ((fd/port-to ?fd/port-to) ; Evaluate once (fd-to (if (port? fd/port-to) (port->fileno fd/port-to) fd/port-to))) (duplicate-fileno ?fd-from fd-to))) ((_ (- ?fd/port)) (let ((o `?fd/port)) (cond ((fixnum? ?fd/port) (file-close o)) ((output-port? ?fd/port) (close-output-port o)) ((input-port? ?fd/port) (close-input-port o)) (else (error "Can only close i/o-ports and file descriptor numbers" o))))) ((_ stdports) (begin (setup-redirection (= 0 (current-input-port))) (setup-redirection (= 1 (current-output-port))) (setup-redirection (= 2 (current-error-port))))) ((_ ?arg0 ...) (syntax-error "Invalid redirection pattern: " `?arg0 ...)))) ;; The most "core" syntax form (define-syntax exec-epf ;; The nested let-syntaxes exist to let us pre-empt the fallthrough ;; whenever we see one of the recognised special rules so we don't end up ;; with the generic one if we happen to make a small mistake (syntax-rules (pipe pipe+ begin epf) ((_ (pipe ?pf0 ...) ?redir0 ...) (exec-epf (pipe+ ((1 2 0)) ?pf0 ...) ?redir0 ...)) ((_ (pipe+ ?args ...) ?redir0 ...) (let-syntax ((pipe+ (syntax-rules ___ () ((_ ((?from0 ?from1 ___ ?to) ___) ?pf0 ___ ?last-pf) (let ((conns `((?from0 ?from1 ___ ?to) ___))) (setup-redirection ?redir0) ... (begin (fork/pipe+ conns (lambda () (exec-epf (epf ?pf0)))) ___ (exec-epf (epf ?last-pf)))))))) (pipe+ ?args ...))) ((_ (begin ?expr0 ...)) (begin (setup-redirection stdports) ?expr0 ...)) ((_ (epf ?args ...)) ; This disambiguates redirection (exec-epf ?args ...)) ((_ (?prog ?arg0 ...) ?redir0 ...) (begin (setup-redirection ?redir0) ... (exec-path* `?prog `(?arg0 ...)))))) )