;; ;; Spiffy the web server ;; ; Copyright (c) 2007-2017, Peter Bex ; Copyright (c) 2000-2005, Felix L. Winkelmann ; All rights reserved. ; ; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ; are met: ; ; 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ; 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ; documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ; 3. Neither the name of the author nor the names of its ; contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived ; from this software without specific prior written permission. ; ; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ; "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT ; LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS ; FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE ; COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, ; INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ; (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR ; SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) ; HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, ; STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ; ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED ; OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ; ; Please report bugs, suggestions and ideas to the CHICKEN Trac ; ticket tracking system (assign tickets to user 'sjamaan'): ; http://trac.callcc.org (module spiffy (start-server switch-user/group accept-loop with-headers send-status send-response send-static-file log-to write-logged-response build-error-message current-request local-address remote-address secure-connection? trusted-proxies current-response current-file current-pathinfo server-software root-path server-port server-bind-address index-files mime-type-map default-mime-type file-extension->mime-type file-extension-handlers default-host vhost-map access-log error-log debug-log spiffy-user spiffy-group access-file max-connections handle-file handle-directory handle-not-found handle-exception handle-access-logging restart-request htmlize) (import scheme (chicken base) (chicken file) (chicken port) (chicken string) (chicken tcp) (chicken irregex) (chicken pathname) (chicken platform) (chicken format) (chicken time) (chicken time posix) (chicken condition) (chicken file posix) (chicken process signal) (chicken load) (chicken process-context) (chicken process-context posix) srfi-1 srfi-13 srfi-14 srfi-18 uri-common sendfile (rename intarweb (headers intarweb:headers))) (define version 6) (define release 1) ;;; Request processing information (define current-request (make-parameter #f)) (define current-response (make-parameter #f)) (define current-file (make-parameter #f)) (define current-pathinfo (make-parameter #f)) (define local-address (make-parameter #f)) (define remote-address (make-parameter #f)) (define secure-connection? (make-parameter #f)) ;;; Configuration (define server-software (make-parameter `(("Spiffy" ,(conc version "." release) ,(conc "Running on CHICKEN " (chicken-version)))))) (define root-path (make-parameter "./web")) (define server-port (make-parameter 8080)) (define server-bind-address (make-parameter #f)) (define index-files (make-parameter '("index.html" "index.xhtml"))) (define trusted-proxies (make-parameter '())) ;; See http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/ for a full list ;; with links to RFCs describing the gory details. (define mime-type-map (make-parameter '(("html" . text/html) ("xhtml" . application/xhtml+xml) ("js" . application/javascript) ("css" . text/css) ("png" . image/png) ;; A charset parameter is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED by RFC 3023 but it overrides ;; document declarations, so don't supply it (assume nothing about files) ("xml" . application/xml) ;; Use text/xml only if it is *truly* human-readable (eg docbook, recipe...) #;("xml" . text/xml) ("pdf" . application/pdf) ("jpeg" . image/jpeg) ("jpg" . image/jpeg) ("gif" . image/gif) ("ico" . image/vnd.microsoft.icon) ("svg" . image/svg+xml) ("txt" . text/plain)))) (define default-mime-type (make-parameter 'application/octet-stream)) (define file-extension-handlers (make-parameter '())) (define default-host (make-parameter "localhost")) ;; XXX Can we do without? (define vhost-map (make-parameter `((".*" . ,(lambda (cont) (cont)))))) (define access-log (make-parameter #f)) (define error-log (make-parameter (current-error-port))) (define debug-log (make-parameter #f)) (define spiffy-user (make-parameter #f)) (define spiffy-group (make-parameter #f)) (define access-file (make-parameter #f)) (define max-connections (make-parameter 1024)) ;;; Custom handlers (define handle-directory (make-parameter (lambda (path) (send-status 'forbidden)))) ;; TODO: maybe simplify this so it falls into more reusable pieces (define handle-file (make-parameter (lambda (path) (let* ((ext (pathname-extension path)) (h (file-extension-handlers)) (m '(HEAD GET)) (handler (or (and ext (alist-ref ext h string-ci=?)) (lambda (fn) ;; Check here for allowed methods, because ;; for example a .cgi handler might allow POST, ;; and anyone can re-use send-static-file to ;; send a file even when another method is used. (if (not (memq (request-method (current-request)) m)) (with-headers `((allow . ,m)) (lambda () (send-status 'method-not-allowed))) (send-static-file fn)))))) (handler path))))) (define handle-not-found (make-parameter (lambda (path) (send-status 'not-found "

The resource you requested could not be found

")))) (define handle-exception (make-parameter (lambda (exn chain) (log-to (error-log) "[~A] \"~A ~A HTTP/~A.~A\" ~A" (seconds->string (current-seconds)) (request-method (current-request)) (uri->string (request-uri (current-request))) (request-major (current-request)) (request-minor (current-request)) (build-error-message exn chain #t)) (send-status 'internal-server-error)))) ;; This is very powerful, but it also means people need to write quite ;; a bit of code to change the line slightly. In this respect Apache-style ;; log format strings could be better... (define handle-access-logging (make-parameter (lambda () (and-let* ((logfile (access-log)) (h (request-headers (current-request)))) (log-to logfile "~A [~A] \"~A ~A HTTP/~A.~A\" ~A \"~A\" \"~A\"" (remote-address) (seconds->string (current-seconds)) (request-method (current-request)) (uri->string (request-uri (current-request))) (request-major (current-request)) (request-minor (current-request)) (response-code (current-response)) (uri->string (header-value 'referer h (uri-reference "-"))) (let ((ua (header-contents 'user-agent h))) (if ua (software-unparser ua) "**Unknown product**"))))))) ;;;; End of configuration parameters (define (with-output-to-log log thunk) (when log (if (output-port? log) (with-output-to-port log thunk) (with-output-to-file log thunk append:)))) (define (log-to log fmt . rest) (with-output-to-log log (lambda () (apply printf fmt rest) (newline)))) ;; Handy shortcut for logging to the debug log with the current ;; thread name prefixed to the log. (define (debug! m . args) (apply log-to (debug-log) (conc "~A: " m) (thread-name (current-thread)) args)) (define build-error-message (let* ((cpa condition-property-accessor) (exn-message (cpa 'exn 'message "(no message)")) (exn-location (cpa 'exn 'location "*ERROR LOCATION UNKNOWN*")) (exn-arguments (cpa 'exn 'arguments '())) (exn? (condition-predicate 'exn))) (lambda (exn chain #!optional raw-output) (with-output-to-string (lambda () (if (exn? exn) (begin (unless raw-output (display "

")) (display "Error:") (and-let* ((loc (exn-location exn))) (if raw-output (printf " (~A)" (->string loc)) (printf " (~A)" (htmlize (->string loc))))) (if raw-output (printf "\n~A\n" (exn-message exn)) (printf "



\n" (htmlize (exn-message exn)))) (let ((args (exn-arguments exn))) (unless (null? args) (unless raw-output (printf "")))) (if raw-output (print chain) (printf "
" (htmlize chain)))) (begin (##sys#with-print-length-limit 120 (lambda () (if raw-output (printf "Uncaught exception:\n~S\n" exn) (printf "

Uncaught exception:

\n~S\n" exn))))))))))) (define (file-extension->mime-type ext) (alist-ref (or ext "") (mime-type-map) string-ci=? (default-mime-type))) (define handle-another-request? (make-parameter #f)) ;; Internal parameter (define (write-logged-response) ((handle-access-logging)) (handle-another-request? (and (keep-alive? (current-request)) (keep-alive? (current-response)))) ;; RFC 2616, 14.18: ;; "Origin servers MUST include a Date header field in all responses ;; [...] In theory, the date ought to represent the moment just before ;; the entity is generated." ;; So we do it here, as this is the very last moment where we're able ;; to get a current timestamp. (with-headers `((date #(,(seconds->utc-time (current-seconds)) ()))) (lambda () (write-response (current-response))))) ;; A simple utility procedure to render a status code with message ;; TODO: This is a bit ugly and should be rewritten to be simpler. (define (send-status st #!optional reason-or-text text) (let*-values (((status) (if (symbol? st) st (response-status st))) ((code status-reason) (http-status->code&reason status)) ((reason) (if (symbol? st) status-reason reason-or-text)) ((htmlized-reason) (htmlize reason)) ((message) (or (if (symbol? st) reason-or-text text) "")) ((output) (conc "\n" "\n" "\n" " \n" " " code " - " htmlized-reason "\n" " \n" " \n" "

" code " - " htmlized-reason "

\n" " " message "\n" ; *not* htmlized, so this can contain HTML " \n" "\n"))) (send-response code: code reason: reason body: output headers: '((content-type text/html))))) (define (call-with-input-file* file proc) (call-with-input-file file (lambda (p) (handle-exceptions exn (begin (close-input-port p) (raise exn)) (proc p))) #:binary)) (define (send-response #!key code reason status body (headers '())) (let* ((new-headers (cons `(content-length ,(if body (string-length body) 0)) headers)) (h (intarweb:headers new-headers (response-headers (current-response)))) (resp (if (and status (not code) (not reason)) (update-response (current-response) status: status headers: h) (update-response (current-response) code: (or code 200) reason: (or reason "OK") headers: h))) (req (current-request))) (parameterize ((current-response resp)) (write-logged-response) (when (and body ((response-has-message-body-for-request?) resp req)) (display body (response-port resp)) (finish-response-body resp))))) (define (send-static-file filename) (condition-case (let* ((path (make-pathname (root-path) filename)) (h (request-headers (current-request))) (size (file-size path)) (last-modified (file-modification-time path)) (etag (cons 'strong (conc size "-" last-modified))) (unmodified (or (and-let* ((t (header-values 'if-none-match h))) (etag-matches? etag t)) (and-let* ((t (header-value 'if-modified-since h))) (<= last-modified (utc-time->seconds t)))))) (parameterize ((current-response (if unmodified (update-response (current-response) status: 'not-modified) (current-response)))) (with-headers `((last-modified #(,(seconds->utc-time last-modified) ())) (etag ,etag) (content-length ,(if unmodified 0 size)) (content-type ,(file-extension->mime-type (pathname-extension filename)))) (lambda () (call-with-input-file* path (lambda (f) (write-logged-response) (when ((response-has-message-body-for-request?) (current-response) (current-request)) (sendfile f (response-port (current-response)))))))))) ((exn i/o file) (send-status 'forbidden)))) (define (with-headers new-headers thunk) (parameterize ((current-response (update-response (current-response) headers: (intarweb:headers new-headers (response-headers (current-response)))))) (thunk))) (define (process-directory path) (let ((index-page (find (lambda (ip) (file-exists? (make-pathname (list (root-path) path) ip))) (index-files)))) (if index-page (process-entry path index-page '()) ((handle-directory) (make-pathname "/" path))))) ;; If an URL is missing a trailing slash, instead of directly serving ;; its index-file, redirect to the URL _with_ trailing slash. This ;; prevents problems with relative references since the directory ;; would be seen as the file component in the path and get replaced. (define (redirect-directory-root path) (let ((new-path `(/ ,@(string-split (string-append path "/") "/") ""))) (with-headers `((location ,(update-uri (request-uri (current-request)) path: new-path))) (lambda () (send-status 'moved-permanently))))) (define (apply-access-file path continue) (let ((file (make-pathname path (access-file)))) (if (and (access-file) (file-exists? file)) ((eval (call-with-input-file* file read)) continue) (continue)))) ;; Is the file impossible to be requested directly? ;; ;; Any file that the the filesystem is incapable of representing is ;; considered impossible to request. This includes ".", "..", and ;; files with a name containing a NUL or a slash; they are all special ;; files. Such a request is probably an encoded traversal attack. ;; ;; Please note that we disallow backslash even in a UNIX environment, ;; because core plays fast and loose with slashes and backslashes. ;; This causes the path "\.." (which strictly speaking is 100% ;; harmless on UNIX) to be converted to "/..", which opens up a path ;; traversal bug! So we work around this by adding a backslash to ;; invalid-set on UNIX as well. Because backslashes in filenames are ;; relatively rare, this won't cause too many additional problems... ;; This vulnerability was found by Benedikt Rosenau with the ;; Netsparker vulnerability scanner. (define impossible-filename? (let ((invalid-set (if (or ##sys#windows-platform ;; This detects CHICKENs with the bug (string=? (make-pathname "/" "\\") "/")) (char-set #\\ #\/ #\nul) (char-set #\/ #\nul)))) (lambda (name) (or (string=? name ".") (string=? name "..") (string-index name invalid-set))))) (define (process-entry previous-path fragment remaining-path) (let* ((current-path (make-pathname previous-path fragment)) (full-path (make-pathname (root-path) current-path))) (cond ((impossible-filename? fragment) ((handle-not-found) (make-pathname "/" current-path))) ((directory? full-path) (apply-access-file full-path (lambda () (if (null? remaining-path) (redirect-directory-root (make-pathname "/" current-path)) ;; Ignore empty path components like most ;; webservers do. It's slightly broken but ;; enough scripts generate bad URIs that it's ;; a useful thing to do. (maybe we shouldn't?) (let lp ((remaining-path remaining-path)) (cond ((null? remaining-path) (process-directory current-path)) ((string=? "" (car remaining-path)) (lp (cdr remaining-path))) (else (process-entry current-path (car remaining-path) (cdr remaining-path))))))))) ((file-exists? full-path) (parameterize ((current-pathinfo remaining-path) (current-file (make-pathname "/" current-path))) ((handle-file) (current-file)))) ;; hmm, not too useful (else ((handle-not-found) (make-pathname "/" current-path)))))) ;; Determine the vhost and port to use. This follows RFC 2616, section 5.2: ;; If request URL is absolute, use that. Otherwise, look at the Host header. ;; In HTTP >= 1.1, a Host line is required, as per section 14.23 of ;; RFC 2616. If no host line is present, it returns the default host ;; for HTTP/1.0. (define (determine-vhost req) (let* ((uri (request-uri req)) (host-header (header-value 'host (request-headers req)))) (if (and (= (request-major req) 1) (>= (request-minor req) 1) (not host-header)) #f (or (and-let* ((host (uri-host uri)) (port (uri-port uri))) (cons host port)) host-header (cons (default-host) (server-port)))))) ;; Make the request uri a full uri including the host and port (define (normalize-uri req) (let ((uri (request-uri req))) (if (absolute-uri? uri) uri (let ((host&port (determine-vhost req)) (scheme (if (secure-connection?) 'https 'http))) (update-uri uri scheme: scheme host: (and host&port (car host&port)) port: (and host&port (cdr host&port))))))) (define request-restarter (make-parameter #f)) ; Internal parameter (define (restart-request req) (debug! "Restarting request from ~A (with uri: ~A)" (remote-address) (request-uri req)) ((request-restarter) req (request-restarter))) (define (determine-remote-address-with-trusted-proxies req) ;; If the remote end is untrusted, that's the remote address. If it ;; is trusted, see for whom it forwarded the request and loop. Take ;; care to stop on a trusted host if there are no more forwarded-for ;; entries (a request may originate from a trusted host). (let lp ((address-chain (cons (remote-address) (reverse (header-values 'x-forwarded-for (request-headers req)))))) (if (and (member (car address-chain) (trusted-proxies)) (not (null? (cdr address-chain)))) (lp (cdr address-chain)) (car address-chain)))) (define (handle-incoming-request compiled-vhost-map in out) (handle-exceptions exn ; This should probably be more fine-grained (let ((chain (with-output-to-string print-call-chain))) (close-input-port in) (close-output-port out) (debug! "~A" (build-error-message exn chain #t)) #f) ; Do not keep going (receive (req cont) (call/cc (lambda (c) (values (read-request in) c))) (and req ; No request? Then the connection was closed. Don't keep going. (parameterize ((remote-address (determine-remote-address-with-trusted-proxies req)) (current-request (update-request req uri: (normalize-uri req))) (current-response (make-response port: out headers: (intarweb:headers `((content-type text/html) (server ,(server-software)))))) (request-restarter cont)) (debug! "Handling request from ~A" (remote-address)) (handle-exceptions exn (begin ((handle-exception) exn (with-output-to-string print-call-chain)) #f) ; Do not keep going (let ((host (uri-host (request-uri (current-request))))) (if (and host (uri-path-absolute? (request-uri (current-request)))) (let ((ir&handler (assoc host compiled-vhost-map (lambda (host ir) (irregex-match ir host))))) (if ir&handler ((cdr ir&handler) (lambda () (process-entry "" "" (cdr (uri-path (request-uri (current-request))))))) ;; Is this ok? ((handle-not-found) (uri-path (request-uri (current-request)))))) ;; No host or non-absolute URI in the request is an error. (send-status 'bad-request (conc "

Your client sent a request that " "the server did not understand

"))) (unless (port-closed? out) (flush-output out)) (handle-another-request?)))))))) ; Keep going? (define (htmlize str) (string-translate* str '(("<" . "<") (">" . ">") ("\"" . """) ("'" . "'") ("&" . "&")))) ;; Do we want this here? (unless (eq? (build-platform) 'msvc) (set-signal-handler! signal/int (lambda (sig) (exit 1)))) ;; Imports from the named module, if available (define (dynamic-import module symbol default) (handle-exceptions _ default (eval `(let () (import ,module) ,symbol)))) ;; posix-groups is UNIX-only, so avoid a hard dependency on it. (define group-information (dynamic-import 'posix-groups 'group-information (lambda (group) (error 'group-information "If you set (spiffy-group) or call switch-user/group directly with a group, you must install the posix-groups egg first!" group)))) (define initialize-groups (dynamic-import 'posix-groups 'initialize-groups (lambda (user info) (cond-expand (windows (void)) ; Skip it on Windows (else (error 'initialize-groups "If you set (spiffy-user) or call switch-user/group directly with a user, you must install the posix-groups egg first!" user info)))))) (define (switch-user/group user group) (when group ; group first, since only superuser can switch groups (let ((ginfo (group-information group))) (unless ginfo (error "Group does not exist" group)) (set! (current-group-id) (list-ref ginfo 2)))) (when user (let ((uinfo (user-information user))) (unless uinfo (error "User does not exist" user)) (set-environment-variable! "HOME" (list-ref uinfo 5)) (initialize-groups user (list-ref uinfo 3)) (unless group ; Already changed to target group? (set! (current-group-id) (list-ref uinfo 3))) (set! (current-user-id) (list-ref uinfo 2))))) (define (mutex-update! m op) (dynamic-wind (lambda () (mutex-lock! m)) (lambda () (mutex-specific-set! m (op (mutex-specific m)))) (lambda () (mutex-unlock! m)))) (define (make-mutex/value name value) (let ((m (make-mutex name))) (mutex-specific-set! m value) m)) ;; Check whether the mutex has the correct state. If not, wait for a condition ;; and try again (define (mutex-wait! m ok? condition) (let retry () (mutex-lock! m) (if (ok? (mutex-specific m)) (mutex-unlock! m) (begin (mutex-unlock! m condition) (retry))))) ;; SSL is optional, don't force openssl on someone who just wants a ;; plain HTTP server. It's also a pain to install on Windows. (define ssl-port? (dynamic-import 'openssl 'ssl-port? (lambda (v) #f))) (define ssl-port->tcp-port (dynamic-import 'openssl 'ssl-port->tcp-port (lambda (v) (error 'ssl-port->tcp-port "Expected an SSL port" v)))) (define (ssl-or-tcp-addresses p) (tcp-addresses (if (ssl-port? p) (ssl-port->tcp-port p) p))) (define-inline (spiffy-thread-start! thunk) (thread-start! (make-thread thunk (gensym 'spiffy)))) (define (accept-loop listener accept #!optional (addresses ssl-or-tcp-addresses)) (let ((thread-count (make-mutex/value 'thread-count 0)) (thread-stopped! (make-condition-variable 'thread-stopped!)) (exn-message (condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message "(no message)")) (compiled-vhost-map (map (lambda (irregex&handler) (cons (irregex (car irregex&handler) 'i) (cdr irregex&handler))) (vhost-map)))) (let accept-next-connection () ;; Wait until we have a free connection slot (mutex-wait! thread-count (lambda (count) (< count (max-connections))) thread-stopped!) (handle-exceptions ; Catch errors during TCP/SSL handshake e (debug! "Connection handshake error: ~S" (exn-message e)) (let*-values (((in out) (accept listener)) ((local remote) (addresses in))) (mutex-update! thread-count add1) (spiffy-thread-start! (lambda () (debug! "Incoming request from ~A" remote) ;; thread-count _must_ be updated, so trap all exns (handle-exceptions e (debug! "Uncaught exception: ~S (SHOULD NOT HAPPEN!)" (exn-message e)) ;; Most of these won't change during the session. ;; Some may be refined using info from headers after parsing (parameterize ((remote-address remote) ; Initial value (local-address local) ;; Believe the user when (s)he says it's a ;; secure connection. Otherwise try to ;; detect it by checking for an SSL port. (secure-connection? (or (secure-connection?) (ssl-port? in))) (handle-another-request? #t) (load-verbose #f)) (let handle-next-request () (when (and (handle-incoming-request compiled-vhost-map in out) (not (port-closed? in)) (not (port-closed? out))) (debug! "Kept alive") (handle-next-request))) (debug! "Closing off") (close-input-port in) (close-output-port out))) (mutex-update! thread-count sub1) ;; Wake up the accepting thread if it's asleep (condition-variable-signal! thread-stopped!))))) (accept-next-connection)))) (define (start-server #!key (port (server-port)) (bind-address (server-bind-address)) (listen tcp-listen) (accept tcp-accept) (addresses ssl-or-tcp-addresses)) (let ((listener (listen port 100 bind-address))) ;; Drop privileges ASAP, now the TCP listener has been created (switch-user/group (spiffy-user) (spiffy-group)) ;; Make these parameters actual (start-server arg might override it) (parameterize ((server-port port) (server-bind-address bind-address)) (accept-loop listener accept addresses)))) )