AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-03-28Explicitly depend on scheduler unit so it gets loadedPeter Bex
2020-03-28Don't use keywords as identifiers in macro in testsPeter Bex
2019-05-12Add 4.1.1 to release-infoPeter Bex
2019-05-12Forgot to expose the default notify handler parameter4.1.1Peter Bex
2019-05-12Add 4.1.0 to release-info filePeter Bex
2019-05-12Add LISTEN/NOTIFY support4.1.0Peter Bex
2019-05-01Change file encoding to UTF-8Peter Bex
2018-10-10Add TODO item for multi-host listPeter Bex
2018-06-11Initial port of PostgreSQL egg to CHICKEN 54.0.0Peter Bex