path: root/tests/run.scm
diff options
authorPeter Bex <>2018-07-29 19:39:39 +0200
committerPeter Bex <>2018-07-29 19:39:39 +0200
commit776d00c6cd7cabc16f13a18eee54fa2f3f36bf21 (patch)
treee965a2808a234d83c8a31ef0965f73784db1bac8 /tests/run.scm
Port to CHICKEN 5
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/run.scm')
1 files changed, 287 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/run.scm b/tests/run.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..722d6e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/run.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+(import test (chicken irregex) (chicken time) (chicken time posix)
+ (chicken file) intarweb)
+;; Change this to (use spiffy) when compiling tests
+(load "../spiffy.scm")
+(import spiffy)
+(test-begin "spiffy")
+(include "testlib.scm")
+(define noway "No way, Jose!")
+(with-output-to-file "root-counter" (lambda () (write 0)))
+(with-output-to-file "counter" (lambda () (write 0)))
+(define (myscript-handler path)
+ (write-logged-response)
+ (display "script!" (response-port (current-response))))
+ ((default-mime-type 'application/unknown)
+ (handle-directory (lambda (p) (send-string/code 403 "Forbidden" "forbidden")))
+ (file-extension-handlers `(("myscript" . ,myscript-handler)))
+ (access-file "spiffy-access")
+ (trusted-proxies '("" ""))
+ (vhost-map
+ `(("foohost" . , (lambda (continue)
+ (parameterize ((current-request
+ (update-request
+ (current-request)
+ uri: (update-uri
+ (request-uri (current-request))
+ path: '(/ "hello.txt")))))
+ (continue))))
+ (,(irregex "testhost.*") . ,(lambda (continue)
+ (continue)))
+ ("redirect-host" . ,(lambda (continue)
+ (with-headers
+ `((location ,(update-uri
+ (request-uri (current-request))
+ path: '(/ "move-along"))))
+ (lambda ()
+ (send-status 303 "Moved")))))
+ ("error-host" . ,(lambda (continue)
+ (error "This should give a 500 error")))
+ ("unknown-length-host" . ,(lambda (continue)
+ (write-logged-response)
+ (let ((p (response-port (current-response))))
+ (display "foo" p)
+ (close-output-port p))))
+ ("subdir-host" . ,(lambda (continue)
+ (parameterize ((root-path "./testweb/subdir"))
+ (continue))))
+ ("ip-host" . ,(lambda (continue)
+ (send-string/code 200 "OK" (remote-address)))))))
+ (start-spiffy))
+(define hello.txt (with-input-from-file "testweb/hello.txt" read-string))
+(test-begin "vhost support")
+(test-response "String match" (200 hello.txt) "/hello.txt" "foohost")
+(test-response "String case insensitivity" (200 hello.txt)
+ "/hello.txt" "FOOHOST")
+(test-response "URI override works" (200 hello.txt) "/index.html" "foohost")
+(test-response "Regexp match" (200 hello.txt) "/hello.txt" "testhost")
+(test-response "Regexp case sensitivity" (404 NOT-FOUND) "/hello.txt" "TESTHOST")
+(test-response "Nonexistent host name" (404 NOT-FOUND)
+ "/hello.txt" "")
+(test-response "No host on HTTP/1.0 works" (200 hello.txt)
+ "/hello.txt" "foohost" send-headers: '())
+(test-response "No host on HTTP/1.1 gives error" 400
+ "/hello.txt" "foohost" send-headers: '() version: '(1 1)
+ absolute-uri: #f)
+(test-end "vhost support")
+(define chicken-logo.png (with-input-from-file "testweb/pics/chicken-logo.png" read-string))
+(define lambda-chicken.gif (with-input-from-file "testweb/pics/lambda-chicken.gif" read-string))
+(define index.html (with-input-from-file "testweb/index.html" read-string))
+(define index-subdir (with-input-from-file "testweb/subdir/index.html" read-string))
+(define index-subsubdir (with-input-from-file "testweb/subdir/subsubdir/index.html" read-string))
+(define index-subdir-with-space (with-input-from-file "testweb/subdir with space/index.html" read-string))
+(test-begin "static file serving")
+(test-response "Nonexistant file" (404 NOT-FOUND)
+ "/bogus" "testhost")
+(unless (zero? (current-user-id)) ; Root can read even unreadable files :)
+ (let ((old-perm (file-permissions "testweb/denied.txt")))
+ (set-file-permissions! "testweb/denied.txt" 0)
+ (test-response "Forbidden file" 403 "/denied.txt" "testhost")
+ (set-file-permissions! "testweb/denied.txt" old-perm)))
+(test-header "Nonexistant file mimetype" content-type (text/html)
+ "/bogus" "testhost")
+(test-response "Nonexistant file with extension" (404 NOT-FOUND)
+ "/bogus.gif" "testhost")
+(test-header "Nonexistant file with extension mimetype" content-type (text/html)
+ "/bogus.gif" "testhost")
+(test-header "text/plain mimetype" content-type (text/plain)
+ "/hello.txt" "testhost")
+(test-header "image/gif mimetype" content-type (image/gif)
+ "/pics/lambda-chicken.gif" "testhost")
+(test-response "image/gif contents" (200 lambda-chicken.gif)
+ "/pics/lambda-chicken.gif" "testhost")
+(test-header "image/png mimetype" content-type (image/png)
+ "/pics/chicken-logo.png" "testhost")
+(test-response "image/png contents" (200 chicken-logo.png)
+ "/pics/chicken-logo.png" "testhost")
+(test-header "unknown mimetype" content-type (application/unknown)
+ "/data" "testhost")
+(test-response "'Moved Permanently' on directory" 301 "/pics" "testhost")
+(test-header "location URI is absolute" location
+ (,(testserver-uri "http://testhost/pics/"))
+ "/pics" "testhost" absolute-uri: #f)
+(test-response "directory listing denied" (403 "forbidden")
+ "/pics/" "testhost")
+(test-response "non-GET/HEAD method disallowed" 405
+ "/hello.txt" "testhost" method: 'PUT)
+(test-header "non-GET/HEAD method Allow header present" allow (HEAD GET)
+ "/hello.txt" "testhost" method: 'PUT)
+(test-end "static file serving")
+(test-begin "path normalization")
+(test-header "index page redir" location
+ (,(testserver-uri "http://testhost/subdir%20with%20space/"))
+ "/subdir%20with%20space" "testhost")
+(test-header "index page redir preserves GET args" location
+ (,(testserver-uri "http://testhost/subdir%20with%20space/?foo=bar"))
+ "/subdir%20with%20space?foo=bar" "testhost")
+(test-response "index page redir status" 301
+ "/subdir%20with%20space" "testhost")
+(test-response "index page" (200 index-subdir-with-space)
+ "/subdir%20with%20space/" "testhost")
+(test-response "break out of webroot fails" (200 index-subdir)
+ "/subdir/../../subdir/" "testhost")
+;; This doesn't work because it's not accepted by uri-common. One
+;; could send it raw on the HTTP line, but it wouldn't be accepted
+;; either. Still, it would be good to actually test for this!
+#;(test-response "break out of webroot fails w/ backslash"
+ (400 index-subdir) "/subdir\\..\\../subdir/" "testhost")
+(test-response "index page in subdir vhost" (200 index-subdir)
+ "/" "subdir-host")
+(test-header "index page redir for subdir vhost" location
+ (,(testserver-uri "http://subdir-host/subsubdir/"))
+ "/subsubdir" "subdir-host")
+(test-response "index page redir status for subdir vhost" 301
+ "/subsubdir" "subdir-host")
+(test-response "index page in subdir for subdir vhost" (200 index-subsubdir)
+ "/subsubdir/" "subdir-host")
+(test-response "break out of vhost webroot gives index of root"
+ (200 index-subsubdir)
+ "/subsubdir/../../subsubdir/" "subdir-host")
+;; Same as above
+#;(test-response "break out of vhost webroot fails w/ backslash"
+ (200 index-subsubdir)
+ "/subsubdir\\..\\../subsubdir/" "subdir-host")
+(test-response "break out of vhost webroot fails w/ backslash" 404
+ "/subsubdir%5C..%5C../subsubdir/" "subdir-host")
+(test-response "break out of vhost webroot fails" (404 NOT-FOUND)
+ "/../hello.txt" "subdir-host")
+;; Once again
+#;(test-response "break out of vhost webroot w/ backslash fails"
+ (404 NOT-FOUND)
+ "\\..\\hello.txt" "subdir-host")
+;; But we *can* test it with an encoded backslash
+(test-response "break out of vhost webroot w/ backslash fails"
+ (404 NOT-FOUND)
+ "/%5C../hello.txt" "subdir-host")
+(test-response "Null-terminated filename fails" (404 NOT-FOUND)
+ "/hello.txt%00xyz" "testhost")
+(test-response "encoded break out of vhost webroot fails" (404 NOT-FOUND)
+ "/%2e%2e%2fhello.txt" "subdir-host")
+(test-response "encoded break out of vhost webroot fails w/ backslash"
+ (404 NOT-FOUND)
+ "/%5c%2e%2e/hello.txt" "subdir-host")
+(test-end "path normalization")
+(test-begin "access files")
+(with-output-to-file "root-counter" (lambda () (write 0)))
+(test-response "Webroot" (200 index.html) "/" "testhost")
+(test "After webroot, root-counter is 1"
+ 1 (with-input-from-file "root-counter" read))
+(with-output-to-file "counter" (lambda () (write 0)))
+(test-response "Two slashes" (200 index-subdir) "/subdir//" "testhost")
+(test "After two slashes, counter is 1"
+ 1 (with-input-from-file "counter" read))
+(test "After webroot and two slashes, root-counter is 2"
+ 2 (with-input-from-file "root-counter" read))
+(test-response "Dir request" (200 noway)
+ "/secrets" "testhost") ;; Access file applies on dir and all below
+(test-response "File request in dir" (200 noway)
+ "/secrets/password.txt" "testhost")
+(test-response "Subdir request" (200 noway)
+ "/secrets/bank" "testhost")
+(test-response "File request in subdir" (200 noway)
+ "/secrets/bank/pin-code.txt" "testhost")
+(test-end "access files")
+(test-begin "miscellaneous")
+(test-response "custom extension handlers" (200 "script!")
+ "/test.myscript" "testhost")
+(test-response "redirect" 303 "/blah" "redirect-host")
+(test-header "redirect location" location
+ (,(testserver-uri "http://redirect-host/move-along"))
+ "/blah" "redirect-host")
+(test-header "redirect for simulated proxy (other port)" location
+ ;; This uri is an absolute reference elsewhere, NOT on
+ ;; the test server!
+ (,(uri-reference "http://redirect-host:8081/move-along"))
+ "/blah" "redirect-host"
+ send-headers: `((host ("redirect-host" . 8081))) absolute-uri: #f)
+;; The exception handler in testlib just dumps the message in response
+(test-response "internal error" (500 "This should give a 500 error")
+ "/cause-error" "error-host")
+(test-response "Variable length (no content-length header)" (200 "foo")
+ "/whatever" "unknown-length-host")
+(test-assert "Variable length didn't cause error after response was sent" (not response-error?))
+;; We're spoofing forwarded headers on a trusted host. How's that for irony? :)
+(test-response "Trusted proxies are stripped when determining IP address"
+ (200 "")
+ "/whats-my-ip" "ip-host"
+ send-headers: `((x-forwarded-for "" "")))
+(test-response "Last proxy is used if all nodes are trusted"
+ (200 "")
+ "/whats-my-ip" "ip-host"
+ send-headers: `((x-forwarded-for "")))
+(test-end "miscellaneous")
+(test-begin "Caching and other efficiency support")
+(test-begin "If-Modified-Since/If-None-Match support")
+(with-output-to-file "testweb/testfile.txt" (lambda () (display "Testing\n")))
+(define timestamp (seconds->utc-time (current-seconds)))
+(test-response "If-Modified-Since when not modified"
+ (304 "") ; Should return 304 status, but also empty body
+ "/testfile.txt" "testhost"
+ send-headers: `((host ("testhost" . ,(server-port)))
+ (if-modified-since #(,timestamp ()))))
+(define original-etag
+ (header-value
+ 'etag
+ (fetch-file "/testfile.txt" "testhost"
+ get-headers: #t
+ send-headers: `((host ("testhost" . ,(server-port)))))))
+(test-response "If-None-Match when not modified"
+ (304 "") ; Should return 304 status, but also empty body
+ "/testfile.txt" "testhost"
+ send-headers: `((host ("testhost" . ,(server-port)))
+ (if-none-match ,original-etag)))
+(sleep 1)
+(with-output-to-file "testweb/testfile.txt" (lambda () (display "Testing2\n")))
+(test-response "If-Modified-Since when modified" (200 "Testing2\n")
+ "/testfile.txt" "testhost"
+ send-headers: `((host ("testhost" . ,(server-port)))
+ (if-modified-since #(,timestamp ()))))
+(test-response "If-None-Match when modified" (200 "Testing2\n")
+ "/testfile.txt" "testhost"
+ send-headers: `((host ("testhost" . ,(server-port)))
+ (if-none-match ,original-etag)))
+(let ((h (fetch-file "/testfile.txt" "testhost"
+ get-headers: #t
+ send-headers: `((host ("testhost" . ,(server-port)))
+ (if-modified-since #(,timestamp ()))))))
+ ;; RFC 2616, 10.3.5: Not modified must have date, unless clockless origin
+ ;; We don't explicitly check against a date because the second might
+ ;; roll over while we're doing the request or other nonsense.
+ (test "Headers contain Date"
+ #t
+ (not (not (header-value 'date h))))
+ ;; RFC 2616, 14.29:
+ ;; "HTTP/1.1 servers SHOULD send Last-Modified whenever feasible"
+ (test "Headers contain Last-Modified"
+ (file-modification-time "testweb/testfile.txt")
+ (utc-time->seconds (header-value 'last-modified h))))
+(delete-file "testweb/testfile.txt") ;; Clean up after the tests
+(test-begin "HEAD support")
+(test-response "Regular response has no body" (200 #!eof)
+ "/hello.txt" "testhost" method: 'HEAD)
+(test-response "Status code responses have no body" (303 #!eof)
+ "/blah" "redirect-host" method: 'HEAD)