path: root/vps-builder.scm
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Diffstat (limited to 'vps-builder.scm')
1 files changed, 268 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vps-builder.scm b/vps-builder.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c4b60f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vps-builder.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+;;; Lightweight VPS image builder, by Peter Bex.
+;;; This program is hereby placed in the public domain.
+;; This provides a way of building custom images to run on VPSes which
+;; can automatically configure themselves, without requiring
+;; heavyweight, difficult to install solutions like Hashicorp's
+;; "Packer" (which has no Debian package) and/or CloudInit (which in
+;; Debian requires not one, but two versions of Python to be
+;; installed!)
+;; Heavily inspired by Debian's "build-openstack-debian-image" shell
+;; script, provided by the "openstack-debian-images" package.
+;; Currently only Debian Jessie and CloudStack are supported.
+;; Auto-resizing is NOT supported at the moment, you'll need to know
+;; in advance how big the VM's root disk will be. In fact, you'll
+;; need to hack this script to change what it does.
+;; Maybe later, if I use this script more, it can be turned into
+;; a proper customisable program/library.
+;; To run, this requires the following packges:
+;; qemu-utils, kpartx, parted, mbr
+;; It depends on the "scsh-process" egg
+;; Before running it, you can create a "users" directory containing
+;; the public keys of all the users you want to prepopulate the image
+;; with. The names of these files need to be USER:GROUP1,... so for
+;; example, to create a user "peter" who is a member of groups "sudo"
+;; and "adm", copy his file to "users/peter:sudo,adm".
+(module vps-builder ()
+ (import chicken scheme)
+ (use data-structures extras files posix scsh-process)
+ (define debug? #t)
+ (reset-handler (lambda () #f))
+ ;; Might it be useful to put this in scsh-process?
+ (define-syntax run*
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((_ ?pf ?redir ...)
+ (begin
+ (when debug?
+ (fprintf (current-error-port) "$ ~S\n" `?pf))
+ (receive (status normal? pid)
+ (run ?pf ?redir ...)
+ (unless (and normal? (zero? status))
+ (error (sprintf "Pipeline ~S exited abnormally, with code: ~A"
+ `(run ?pf ?redir ...) status))))))))
+ (define minimal-packages
+ `("sudo" "locales" "extlinux" "openssh-server" "file" "kbd"
+ ;; TODO: What about other architectures?
+ "linux-image-amd64"))
+ ;; It's necessary to be root due to chroot and mount calls.
+ ;; TODO: Maybe support using sudo instead? For now, just call
+ ;; the whole script with sudo. Otherwise we'll need to mess
+ ;; with PATH and so on, too.
+ (define (check-privileges)
+ (unless (zero? (current-effective-user-id))
+ (error "Sorry, you must be root to build an image!")))
+ (define (check-users)
+ (when (or (not (directory? "users")) (null? (glob "users/*:*")))
+ (error (conc "You need to put public ssh keys in the "
+ "\"users\" directory, named like "
+ "USERNAME:GROUP1,..."))))
+ (define (create-image-file raw-file size-in-gb)
+ (let ((size (sprintf "~AG" size-in-gb)))
+ (run* (qemu-img create ,raw-file ,size))))
+ (define (convert-to-qcow2 raw-file qcow-file)
+ ;; TODO: Figure out if compat option is really needed
+ (run* (qemu-img convert -c -f raw -O qcow2 -o compat=0.10
+ ,raw-file ,qcow-file)))
+ (define (partition-image image-file)
+ (run* (parted -s ,image-file mktable msdos))
+ (run* (parted -s ,image-file -a optimal
+ mkpart primary ext3 1Mi 100%))
+ (run* (parted -s ,image-file set 1 boot on))
+ (run* (install-mbr ,image-file)))
+ (define (prepare-image raw-image size-in-gb)
+ (create-image-file raw-image size-in-gb)
+ (partition-image raw-image))
+ (define (call-with-devmapped-image image-file proc)
+ (let ((kpartx-output #f))
+ (dynamic-wind
+ (lambda ()
+ ;; TODO: run/string doesn't (and can't) check exit status!
+ (set! kpartx-output (run/string (kpartx -asv ,image-file))))
+ (lambda ()
+ ;; Yeah this is stupid...
+ (let* ((parts (string-split kpartx-output " "))
+ (loopback-dev (list-ref parts 2)))
+ (proc (make-pathname "/dev/mapper" loopback-dev))))
+ (lambda ()
+ (set! kpartx-output #f)
+ ;; For some reason kpartx will sometimes(?) fail
+ (handle-exceptions exn #f
+ (run* (kpartx -d ,image-file)))))))
+ (define (prepare-filesystem device)
+ ;; Apparently, operating on ext2 is much faster than ext3, so we
+ ;; make it ext2, and convert to ext3 later
+ (run* (mkfs.ext2 ,device)))
+ (define (finalize-filesystem device)
+ ;; Add journal, turning it into ext3
+ (run* (tune2fs -j ,device)))
+ (define (call-with-mounted-device device proc)
+ (let ((tempdir #f))
+ (dynamic-wind
+ (lambda ()
+ (set! tempdir (create-temporary-directory))
+ (run* (mount -o loop ,device ,tempdir)))
+ (lambda () (proc tempdir))
+ (lambda ()
+ (run* (umount ,tempdir))
+ (delete-directory tempdir #t)
+ (set! tempdir #f)))))
+ ;; Create a very basic setup which allows running programs inside
+ ;; a chroot (mount essential filesystems).
+ (define (with-running-system root-dir thunk)
+ (dynamic-wind
+ (lambda () (run* (chroot ,root-dir mount /proc)))
+ (lambda () (thunk))
+ (lambda () (run* (chroot ,root-dir umount /proc)))))
+ (define (install-basic-system target-dir package-list)
+ (let ((include (sprintf "--include=~A"
+ (string-intersperse package-list ","))))
+ (run* (debootstrap
+ --verbose ,include "jessie" ,target-dir
+ ""))))
+ (define (install-file root-dir source target owner group mode)
+ (let* ((full-path (make-pathname root-dir target))
+ (full-path (if (directory? full-path)
+ (make-pathname full-path
+ (pathname-strip-directory source))
+ full-path)))
+ (file-copy source full-path #t) ; allow clobber
+ ;; Must run in chroot to use correct passwd/group db
+ (run* (chroot ,root-dir chown ,(conc owner ":" group) ,target))
+ (change-file-mode full-path mode)))
+ (define (install-directory root-dir target owner group mode)
+ (let ((full-path (make-pathname root-dir target)))
+ (create-directory full-path)
+ ;; Must run in chroot to use correct passwd/group db
+ (run* (chroot ,root-dir chown ,(conc owner ":" group) ,target))
+ (change-file-mode full-path mode)))
+ (define (install-packages root-dir . packages)
+ (run* (chroot ,root-dir apt-get install -y ,@packages)))
+ (define (configure-basic-system root-dir)
+ ;;;; Configure apt, FS and disable console bleeping (just in case)
+ (install-file root-dir "assets/package-manager/apt/apt-settings"
+ "/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/90custom-config"
+ "root" "root" #o644)
+ (install-file root-dir "assets/fstab"
+ "/etc/fstab" "root" "root" #o644)
+ (install-file root-dir "assets/modprobe/blacklist.conf"
+ "/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf" "root" "root" #o644)
+ ;;;; Setup network and related settings
+ (delete-file* (make-pathname
+ root-dir "etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules"))
+ (install-file root-dir "assets/network/interfaces"
+ "/etc/network/interfaces" "root" "root" #o644)
+ (install-file root-dir "assets/network/cloudstack-guest-setup"
+ "/etc/dhcp/dhclient-exit-hooks.d" "root" "root" #o644))
+ (define (update-packages root-dir)
+ (run* (chroot ,root-dir apt-get update))
+ (run* (chroot ,root-dir apt-get upgrade -y)))
+ (define (make-bootable root-dir)
+ (define (rooted-glob dir pattern)
+ (let ((f (car (glob (make-pathname `(,root-dir ,dir) pattern)))))
+ (make-pathname `("/" ,dir) (pathname-strip-directory f))))
+ (let* ((kernel (rooted-glob "boot" "vmlinuz-*"))
+ (ramdisk (rooted-glob "boot" "initrd.img-*"))
+ (template (with-input-from-file
+ "assets/boot/extlinux.conf" read-string))
+ (conf (string-translate* template
+ `(("{KERNEL}" . ,kernel)
+ ("{RAMDISK}" . ,ramdisk))))
+ (tgt (make-pathname `(,root-dir "boot" "extlinux")
+ "extlinux.conf")))
+ (install-directory root-dir "/boot/extlinux" "root" "root" #o755)
+ (with-output-to-file tgt (lambda () (write-string conf)))
+ (run* (extlinux --install ,(make-pathname root-dir "boot")))))
+ (define (setup-firewall root-dir)
+ (install-packages root-dir "ferm" "sshguard")
+ (install-file root-dir "assets/firewall/ferm.conf"
+ "/etc/ferm/ferm.conf" "root" "adm" #o644))
+ ;; Create user and copy matching users/*:* file to .ssh/authorized_keys
+ (define (create-users root-dir)
+ (for-each (lambda (pubkey)
+ (let* ((fn (pathname-strip-directory pubkey ":"))
+ (user+cs-groups (string-split fn))
+ (user (car user+cs-groups))
+ (cs-groups (cadr user+cs-groups))
+ (.ssh (make-pathname `("/" "home" ,user) ".ssh"))
+ (keys (make-pathname .ssh "authorized_keys")))
+ (run* (chroot ,root-dir useradd -m -G ,cs-groups ,user))
+ (install-directory root-dir .ssh user user #o700)
+ (install-file root-dir pubkey keys user user #o600)))
+ (glob "users/*:*")))
+ (define (build-image image-base-name size-in-gb)
+ (let ((raw-image (make-pathname '() image-base-name ".raw"))
+ (qcow-image (make-pathname '() image-base-name ".qcow2")))
+ (check-privileges)
+ (check-users)
+ (prepare-image raw-image size-in-gb)
+ (call-with-devmapped-image
+ raw-image
+ (lambda (dev)
+ (prepare-filesystem dev)
+ (call-with-mounted-device
+ dev
+ (lambda (mountpoint)
+ (install-basic-system mountpoint minimal-packages)
+ (configure-basic-system mountpoint)
+ (with-running-system
+ mountpoint
+ (lambda ()
+ (update-packages mountpoint)
+ (make-bootable mountpoint)
+ (setup-firewall mountpoint)
+ (create-users mountpoint)))))
+ (finalize-filesystem dev)))
+ (convert-to-qcow2 raw-image qcow-image)
+ (printf "Success! Images finished, raw: ~A, qcow2: ~A\n"
+ raw-image qcow-image)))
+;; Just do it!
+(handle-exceptions exn (signal exn) ; re-throw, to unwind dynamic extents
+ (build-image "debian-jessie" 20))